Before switching into product centers, the HE BU included two functional centers, namely, Product Design, and System Design Center. The restructure by product applications enables Sunplus to allocate resources and focus more directly to product business demand.
Sunplus also promoted Mr. Tzu-Hsin Wang to lead the DVD Product Center, Mr. Johnson Hung to head STB Product Center, and Mr. Steven Huang in charge of TV Product Center. Dr. Archie Yeh is acting the head of Platform Development Center.
"We are very pleased to have Dr. Archie Yeh joining Sunplus family", said Chairman & CEO Chou-Chye Hunag, along with his broad experience in R&D and management. I believe that Dr. Yeh and the new business-focusing organization will be able to create more growth opportunities and make outstanding contributions to Sunplus.
Dr. Archie Yeh has 25 years of experiences in semiconductor industry and IC design sector. Before joining Sunplus, Dr. Yeh has been contract consultant to Faraday Technology, Chairman and President of Cheertek Inc., Vice Chairman of Nuvoton Technology, Adjunct Professor of National Tsing Hua University, and others positions.